Profit enhancement

A 5% reduction in the prices paid for bought in goods & services for a business which spends 60% of its turnover on such items is equivalent to a 15% increase in sales on a gross margin of 20%.

Purchasing is rarely considered sexy or exciting. Sales and marketing, new product development and client management are usually seen as the areas which drive a business forwards and make the biggest contribution to profit, thus attracting the most time and attention of senior management.

Any well run business will have processes in place which attempt to ensure that it pays the lowest achievable price for the goods and services it buys. It is rare however that this activity receives the same consistent focus which will apply to sales and marketing.

Consistently applied purchasing best-practice ensures not only that the lowest prices are being paid for appropriate goods and services but also that the business benefits from:

Realisis works with its clients to produce workable solutions and results which ensure that these benefits are secured, delivering savings which flow directly and immediately to the bottom line.

We aim to have a very light footprint and only use as much time as is strictly necessary to gain support and buy-in from stake and budget holders to produce deliverable and implementable solutions in excess of those which the client might reasonably expect to achieve itself.

Our added value comes from a team of seasoned professionals who have years of experience working with a wide range of clients. Because this is our core business, we are able to introduce techniques and methodologies which are not commonly available. We also bring the buying and negotiating power garnered from all the work we do for all our clients and thus can often reduce prices as a quick win whilst working with your company to define wider project parameters.

The results of our work are measurable, demonstrable, provable and sustainable and we are only paid on this basis.

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