Risk mitigation

Personal liability
Employment legislation emanating from the UK and the EU designed to provide protection and security to the workforce is becoming increasingly draconian and is aimed progressively at the owners and managers of businesses personally.

Severe penalties
The penalties for non-compliance can be severe and disproportionately damaging; the smaller the business the greater the consequences. The number of claims being made against employers for a wide range of breaches is mounting all the time.

Ignorance of the law is no defence. The time and cost of defending a claim in a tribunal or court can be phenomenal and the penalties can be sufficient to bankrupt a business or send a director to gaol.

Best defence
The best defence against a claim is to be able to demonstrate that the law has been complied with. That means having in place policies, documentation, communication strategies and training programmes which are accurate and up-to-date. It is difficult enough for most companies to know with which laws they need to comply and to create the policies and procedures to make the business compliant. It is far more difficult to keep up with the changes to existing law and new legislation as it spews out.

Peace of mind
Realisis offers a free audit which establishes a business's current state of compliance and the risks and threats posed where non-compliance is discovered. Thereafter we provide a service which brings the client to a state of compliance and then a subscription offering which ensures that the business remains compliant.
Our consultants are CIPD qualified and carry full indemnity insurance.
If you would like to know more, please email us at
enquries@realisissolutions.co.uk or telephone us on 0845 456 7014.
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